It has been a long week for remodeling! I haven't been to workout in about a week now. I'm def. having withdrawls! I have decided not to go since this is a good hour chad can work on the kitchen. It has been difficult trying to be creative in our meals. There are only so many restaurants here. : ) I think we are all getting tired of eating out all the time. Chad even mentioned last night that he missed my cooking. : ) I didn't go to girls night out on friday. Instead I stayed home until chad said the tile was ready to lay. I know I'm ready for it to be done and I'm not even doing much of the work. Chad is doing a great job! He is putting everything he has into it and it is starting to catch up in the sleeping area. The kitchen is going to look sharp when it is done.
We have been doing our park, free lunch and home routine all this week. On Monday and tuesday the boys did some workbooks when we got home. Cade started doing addition. He is doing really well. Lanes was a workbook on color and shapes which he already knows but is just keeping him on it.
Yesterday the big boys and I went to walmart. We had to get a few things and I decided to get them new flip flops. They love wearing them, especially Lane, but their old ones are too small. Guess what - Lane and Cade are now officially in the same size shoe!!!! CRAZY!!!
Jude - he has been laughing more. Sunday night Chad finally got him to laugh. It was a laugh I haven't heard yet. Pretty cute. Then Monday Lane got him to laugh. It wasn't on purpose. Lane was actually whining in the back seat, Jude thought it was pretty funny. Cade was feeling left out, he was really wanting to make Jude laugh. Tuesday night I did something that made him laugh so I told Cade to do it. It worked! So we have all made him laugh. Today we put him in the swimming pool for the first time. I did take pictures but they are on the video camera. He seemed to like it except for the sun. That was making him mad. : ) He is so darn sweet! His happiest time is when he first wakes up. When he wakes up around 5 ish I usually bring him to bed with me. So it is fun to wake up to a happy baby. It is a special time. Since we got back from wichita Jude started waking up every 3 hours but the last few night he started to get a little better for me. 8 p.m. is his night time, he wakes up about 3 hours later and then again around 5 a.m. Then it is back to 3 hours during the day. He is still skinny, but does have one roll on each thigh. I have figured out he has a long torso. He wears 3-6 mths in onsies or one pieces (but is quickly getting too long for those) but in shorts and pants he is still in 0-3 mths. His waist is so skinny. When the kitchen gets done I'm going to start him back on cereal. It is just to hard to have to worry about how to clean everything. He is still showing signs of teething but no tooth. Which I'm fine with.
i talked to my mom tonight. So glad to hear her voice. If only she realized how much I love and need her!! She said that she still has days she doesn't feel good but she is getting better. She has gained 3 lbs!!! YEAH!!! Doesn't sound like a lot but I'm proud and so excited!!! We are going to go visit them later this month. The boys are excited! My lil bro just bought his first house!! Yeah Lee! It looks really nice - brand new! I'm excited to see everyone and to see his house.
i better get off here. i know there is prob. things i'm forgetting but i'm too tired to think anymore. : )