Cade - I was dropping him off at school and I said ok Bubs have a great day at school, and he says "mom sometime I want you to walk me to my class sometime." he has always wanted to go by himself. So I said, Ok, I didn't know, I got out and we walked hand in hand to his class and he gave me a kiss at the door. : )
I was dropping Cade off and a little girl was running to their class. Of course that is a challege to beat her. Cade takes off and beats her to their door. He opens the door and lets her go first. : ) Very proud momma!!! That is def. the teachings of his daddy.
Lane has been telling Jude a lot that he loves him. sweet.
Soooooo.... Jude turned 7 months old!! Can you believe it!!!! It has flown by! My sister in law writes what all my neice is doing by a month so I want to do that. : ) I think it is pretty nice to know.
1. Still wearing 0-3 mth shorts and pants are getting a little short so we have moved to 3-6 mth, but they are a little big.
2. NO. 2 diapers
3.He is crawling all over the place - has it mastered.
4. His favorite "play area" is the entertainment center. He thinks it is just for him.
5. He pulls himself up to standing all the time.
6. Just discovered the plants. He likes to eat the leaves - and as of last night the dirt!
7. He says dadda when he is happy. He def. has daddy melting in his hands. He says mom but only when he is upset.
8. He enjoys looking outside - especially to find the kitty.
9. Developed his first fever. He had it for 3 days and still isn't up to par. But he is getting better.
10. Loves hair!
11. Loves taking baths/showers
12. Has one of the best smiles in the world - Cade and Lane have some awesome smiles too. : )
15. He loves his brothers
Lane got his 4 year old shots. He told cade that he was going to take them "like a man". And sure enough he did. The last (3 in all) shot hurt the most but he stayed strong. We walked out and he was holding his arm. I told him that we would get him some tylenol and i think ice cream would help it feel better. "YEAH!" So here is Lane with his Jr. sundae with M&ms.
Chad wanted to take a picture of us because he said we were twins. I didn't plan it, just happend.
The sold sign was finally put out in front of the new house. So of course I had to get a picture. I took a few before this one but forgot to put the card in. Jude was happy in those. : )
I have bunco at my house tomorrow. So on friday I cleaned the house and decluttered as much as I could. When chad gets done with the boys room I can finish the decluttering.
Lots and lots of picture taking lately. I have orders to do, pictures to finish and pictures to take. Very busy right now!!! I'm so thankful that I can borrow my inlaws awesome backyard!!!
Better get off, jude is asleep and now it is time for a walmart run! wahoo.