another long night. : ) i just have to say jude is worth it. : )
today was a nice day. i slept in a little and sally got cade ready for school and took him. I woke up and fed jude and then got ready to take lane and lily to mdo. we went and got bryson dropped them off. bryson stayed right by lily to make sure she was ok. it was cute. after that we went to the postoffice and walmart. i was late getting cade from school. oops!! i didn't mean too. we took cade to mdo.
we came home and i fed jude. heidi came over and we all went and ate at larissa's. it was a nice get away. jude was really good and we talked and talked and talked!! When we left it was time to go get the kiddos. When we showed up lily was so excited! she had a fun day. calley said that lane pushed lily for a long time in the swing and cade helped taylor. there was also some confrontation but overall i think they had a great day. we got home and i fed jude. We put in movie. The kids stayed calmed. While i fed jude i filled out envelopes for his baby announcement that i will be getting soon.
chad grilled pork chops for supper. it was good and i ate it an hour after it was done. i gave the kids a bath before supper while sally made the sides. After i got the kids out i took a shower. i got to read books to the kids tonight. it has been awhile. : (
i have been pretty good. not having very many breakdowns. i was telling heidi today that i have been doing good and not feeling overly tired. well guess what?! when we got home from getting the kids i got so tired - i feel exhausted today!! and i had a small yelling breakdown. oops! i know i have been doing good because i have had help. this is the last week someone will be here to help. i know - all my girls are saying we are right here. : ) i know you are! : ) and that is what makes me feel better.
oh lane was all kissy with jude today. and he told aunt sally that she couldn't take jude home with her. : )
i better get going. i'm tired, jude is asleep for a little bit - better not say that need to look at the chart to see when he last ate. : ) better get teeth brushed and lay down.
1 comment:
This makes me miss Guymon, I never thought I would say that, but I want to come over and eat ice cream and go out and eat with the girls! Enjoy these times.
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