Saturday, October 18, 2008

The boys and I left on thursday morning to drive to my grandmother and big papa's in hobart. We had a really nice visit and the boys were very good!! The food was AWESOME!!!

Friday morning we drove to altus. I dropped the boys off with Billy and visited for a little bit. Then I went and took my cousins senior pictures. I think Ryan had a great time and so did I. I was glad to have a fun time with him. After pictures I went and got arbys!! wahoo!! been wanting it. : ) then drove to billys. the boys played and played and played and played... owen and Lane did take a nap but cade and will just kept going. man does cade love being around will!! i was pretty tired so we just vegged. Billy and Christa made a great supper (even the boys ate it!). After supper they played for a little while and then I gave them all baths. I think they were really good - the noise level just seemed pretty loud! : ) Cade and Will camped out in the living room and lane slept with me. it took cade 5.2 seconds to fall asleep. : )

We woke up this morning and i took a shower and got ready for the day. Billy made us breakfast and then i went to walmart real fast. our walmart never has paint and the living room needs to be painted! So i got a huge bucket. When I got back we went and took (or tried to) take pictures of will and owen. After pictures we ate a picnic mcdonalds and played at the park. the ride home was peaceful, since the boys slept! i have been so proud of how they have acted. They aren't angels by no means, but they did pretty awesome especially for a trip!

we got home and stopped off at kfc. Chad had told me he has been sanding the living room floor but i was not mentally ready for what i walked in on!! everything and i mean everything is covered in dust!! it is a horrible horrible mess!! i wish he would of hung up some blankets to keep it in the living room. he gets in such a hurry to get started that he doesn't think of that. but man do i have some work ahead of me!! i'm so tired i don't want to think about it! i am glad he is getting it done, just not ready for the cleanup.

i need to go to walmart and get more sand belts for chad so he can finish tonight. i better get off both boys are fighting over the toilet - they both have to poop!!! drama! : )

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