Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wednesday...I got the stuff done that I said I would. Cade helped me move stuff to the bathroom. tonight i had sorority. I got a birthday present from my beta buddy. They are house shoes that you warm in the microwave. I also got a gift card from the sorotity for the baby and 3 outfits and a onesie from one of the ladies!!! I'm blown away!!!

Thursday...Oh Cade oh cade oh cade... can you say CRANKY!!!!!! He woke up crying about everything and anything!! Lane woke up turned on cartoons, got dressed, i gave him breakfast, fixed his hair and he did it with an awesome attitude. Except telling cade he beat him which only made cade cry. LOL!! Lane gets to stay at home in the mornings on thursday and friday - his only day he gets to watch super why. So on the way to school cade and i had a talk. I came home and layed down for a little bit. i was so tired. i took lane to mdo and went to walmart. i had to get some stuff for this weekend and my company. : ) by the time i was done it was time to go get cade. i dropped him off at mdo and went to mr burger to get lunch for chad and I. i have been wanting their salad but it wasn't as tasty and usual. still ate is happily though. While having no kids i took my time and wrapped some presents started de cluttering. I went and got the boys and told them to go outside and start picking up the yard. It was so nice I didn't want them inside. I knew they wouldn't pick up. They will only do that if chad or i are out there to help them. It is pretty overwheleming!! Cade did pick up his room for me. I cleaned the kitchen really good (it isn't perfect but so much better), vaccummed, cleaned fan, and just again just trying to get clutter gone. I was in and out of the garage trying to get it ready for 5:30. I had clients coming to do pictures. I had supper ready around 5. Chad and the boys picked up the yard - looks so much better but still trailor trash!!! I just wanted it picked up for this weekend so we can boot kids outside. : ) Billy, christa and boys might come. : ) they might stay with me but i don't know yet. billy will call me in the morning. don't worry everyone i'm not stressing. : ) I got done with pictures 6:00 and got the boys in the shower. I wanted them ready for bed so by 8 they were asleep. Cade has been wanting to play nintendo so i told him get ready for bed and he could play. he played it for a little bit and it stopped working. chad figured out what was wrong but we still had a talk about taking care of his stuff!!! that is one thing that makes me angry. I got the boys in bed a little after 8 but it didn't take long for them to fall asleep. I messed with a picture and decided I'm going to wait until after this weekend. I came and sat with chad in the living room to watch the last party of the football game. haven't really been able to relax because chad is stressing out. oh i have my new house shoes on. i warmed them in the microwave (my feet were pretty cold) aaaahhh talk about fast. My feet warmed up fast!! they are hard to walk in.

janet has been posting pictures of my niece so if you have time check out how beautiful she is.

i'm hoping that tomorrow we can move the desk and stuff to the garage. i don't know if it will happen though. sally, lily, lee and caci should be here around 2 ish tomorrow. : ) i need to go get ready for bed. i'm tired. chad is all bummed!! that sucks that ou has losed the game!!! i def. won't lose any sleep over it though. : )

1 comment:

Daughter of the The King said...

Josh was so bummed about the game that he is wearing black today!!! I asked him why and he said "mourning', I said "mourning over what", he said "the game". LOL! These guys!